Tuesday, September 8, 2020
singularity of a life
This is part 1 of—prefacing—“soul of Self interest”
Normally for me, I don’t use ‘soul’, except relative to others’ use; but I’m fascinated by common appeal of that sense of Self (which is what “soul” is), which is of course historically rich.
I’m fascinated like an ethnographer might be fascinated—or a philologist
or psychoanalyst.
The more one dwells in one’s own soul, Self, being, the more singular the representation (the narrative) for another person will become (having less usefulness for the ethnophilologist, more use for the psychoanalyst), because
no one else has become you or I. More explication shows more singularity (idiosyncrasy, too, as if another’s life is an odd outsider pretense).
But my upcoming example of thinking about singularity isn’t autobiographical
(a quite odd life); rather, about themes I like that may be generally relevant to one’s singularity—which, here, isn’t intended to be a comprehensive conception,
just as autobiography probably doesn’t bear the soul of its life. We each constellate understanding in our own way, always partially, as we live by
time given.
next—> “being of The World”